New on ProDenmark

The Prism (Prismet) is a new modern office building in Aarhus.
The Prism (Prismet) is a new modern office building in Aarhus.

Here you can find a list of new companies and organisations shown here on All new companies and organisations have obtained their own ProDenmark profile. Here you can find information about their products, services, brands, line of business, export markets, contact persons and links to their homepages.

New companies and organisations

The following companies and organisations are new on

- Beta ApS
- Daniamant Electronics A/S
- Graphic Pro ApS
- Scantext translations
- SOF-Odden Caviar ApS
- Roland Sign ApS

Click on the links on the right-hand side to learn more about these companies and organisations.

Danish companies and organisations can get registered

Danish companies and organisations not yet shown here on can get registered. Please feel free to contact us and lean more on how to become a part of

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