Positive Year for Danish Shipping11-01-2013
Impressing revenue considering the crisisConsidering the international financial crisis the 2012 foreign revenue generated by Danish shipping companies is impressive. On a world scale the shipping business is suffering from overcapacity and 2012 has been no exception. However, the Danish shipping industry has skilfully managed to steer free of many of the general problems in the business. High expectations for 2013The Danish Shipowners' Association expect and hope that 2013 will be equally successful as 2012 has been. However, one should take in to account that the generation of higher foreign revenue from shipping services does not automatically improved the profitability for the Danish shipping companies. Shipping is important for the Danish economyThe revenue Danish shipping companies are generating internationally is positively affecting the Danish economy. According to the Danish Shipowners' Association the maritime business in Denmark contributes with approximately 25% of Denmark's total export income. Learn more about the Danish shipping business here: Danish shipping is at the global fore