Snedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApSSnedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApSSnedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApS offers complete constructions and carpentry constructions in connection with larger building projects in the Copenhagen area.Primary product or service
Complete constructions
Primary CPV classification
Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Primary trademark
Other products and services
Carpentry part constructionsTurnkey constructions Carpentry construtions Joinery constructions Joinery part constructions Building renovation Windows and window frames Doors and door frames Other trademarks
Snedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApS speak
EnglishDanish German Swedish No. of employees
VAT no.
Production unit no.
PD no.
Managing Director Ivan Madsen
Office hours
Mon-Thu 8:00-16:00Fri 8:00-15:00 Headquarters
Denmark Subsidiaries
Non Export areas
Sweden Export turnover
Snedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApS is a member of
Snedkerfirmaet Ivan Madsen ApS